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New client Ice Park Mexico

Por Astrid Vandormael15 jun. 2023

Happy to introduce our first ice-skating client: Ice Park Mexico!

Visitors of Ice Park Mexico can enjoy a seamless and perso­na­lised ice-skating experience thanks to the integration of various features provided by BMI Leisure. Let’s take a closer look at the remar­kable solutions that Ice Park Mexico adopted to create an unfor­get­table experience for their customers.

Kiosk Regis­tration and Booking

Ice Park Mexico has imple­mented BMI Leisure’s kiosk regis­tration and booking system, making it easier than ever for visitors to sign up and reserve their preferred skating sessions. With user-friendly kiosks located at the venue, customers can effortlessly register their details, select the desired session time, and complete the booking process in a matter of minutes. This efficient system stream­lines opera­tions and elimi­nates the need for manual paperwork, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free check-in process.

Jump Ringz LED Bracelets

One of the most exciting features at Ice Park Mexico is the utili­sation of Jump Ringz LED bracelets. These futuristic bracelets are not only stylish but also serve as a vital tool for managing the schedule of skating sessions. Each visitor is provided with a Jump Ringz LED bracelet upon arrival, which is synchro­nised with the session they have booked. The LED bracelet lights up when it’s time for a session change, indicating to the skaters that they need to exit the ice rink. This intelligent system ensures that each session starts and ends promptly, maintaining an organised flow of skaters and preventing overcrowding on the ice.

Birthday Emails

Ice Park Mexico unders­tands the impor­tance of celebrating special occasions, and they go the extra mile to make birthdays unfor­get­table for their customers. Through BMI Leisure’s integrated features, Ice Park Mexico sends perso­na­lised birthday emails to customers who have opted in for this service. These emails contain exclusive offers, discounts, and the option to book a birthday party package, creating a truly memorable experience for the celebrant and their friends.

Gift Cards

Ice Park Mexico offers a unique gifting solution through the use of BMI Leisure’s gift card system. Whether it’s for a birthday, holiday, or any other special occasion, customers can purchase gift cards for their loved ones to enjoy a delightful ice-skating experience. These gift cards can be redeemed for session bookings, skate rentals, and other services available at Ice Park Mexico, providing the recipient with the freedom to choose their preferred time and activities.

Ice Park Mexico’s partnership with BMI Leisure showcases their commitment to delivering excep­tional customer experiences and leveraging the latest techno­logies in the industry. By imple­menting kiosk regis­tration, Jump Ringz LED bracelets, birthday emails, and gift cards, they have trans­formed the ice-skating experience into a seamless, engaging, and custo­mised journey for their visitors.