We offer you the chance to grow your experience in your studying field, whether you want to join us for an inter­nship or partner with us for executing your thesis. We are looking for bachelor or master students who are inter­ested in a traineeship in one of the following fields:

IT & Engineering
Inter­na­tional Business Management
Marketing & Commu­ni­cation
Project Management
Product Management
UX/​UI/​Digital Design

For graduation inter­n­ships, specific assign­ments can be coordi­nated with the college/​university and the wishes of the student. We also allow the traineeship/​assignment to be part of specific programs, such as Erasmus.

About us

BMI Leisure is a successful and profi­table scale-up and has acquired a top tier position as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution provider within the leisure industry. Our all-in-one solution has been recognized as best-in-class for enter­tainment centers worldwide. We help these centers to optimize their full opera­tional flow across venues, enhance the guest experience and automate their marketing efforts.

We’ve been in the industry for over 20 years and have recently exceeded our growth targets with a YoY revenue growth of over 28% and recurring revenue growth of over 20%. We hold a global customer portfolio of over 300 accounts across 70 countries, and have currently a growing team of 30 experts with 15 natio­na­lities.

Are you…

  • An ambitious self-starter willing to join a scale-up that is currently growing exponen­tially?
  • Eager to plan for success and willing to persevere when the going gets tough?
  • A great team player whose result-oriented attitude inspires others?
  • A clear and honest commu­ni­cator, with a positive attitude?
  • Keen to share your knowledge with co-workers, and grow your own skills as well?
  • Excited to work in the world of leisure and enter­tainment?

Then you might be just what we need!

What we can offer

We are a very dynamic company, and the list of things that we can offer you is long and distin­guished:

  • Oppor­tu­nities to leave your comfort zone & to travel
  • Real work to do, forget about doing copies of files all day long.
  • Challenges, we have lots of those here!
  • Work in an English-speaking company in the heart of Europe!
  • Student accom­mo­dation.

Apply for this vacancy

If you are inter­ested, feel free to send us your CV to hr@​bmileisure.​com, Subject name: TRAINEESHIP + The department that you are inter­ested in.

Or you can call 014 56 00 70 and ask for Henri.