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From local karting squad to global software partner in the leisure industry: meet BMI leisure

By Ibrahim Yousef13 Sep 2022

The booth of BMI Leisure at IAAPA Europe in London.

On Tuesday 13 September the Belgian company BMI Leisure launched its new brand and website. The Saas-scale-up,formerly known as SMS-Timing, changes name and face to include her growing client portfolio. The company served the karting niche for 22 years, but is ready to expand to the entire leisure industry. The rebranding happens as the company grew over 25% in comparison to last year.

The new look-n-feel breathes profes­sion­ality, and BMI’s new fair booth looks classy and innov­ative. And that’s what we need, because we basically ask clients for an open heart surgery to migrate all their management tools into one ERP,” says CEO Mark Lebouille. “ In the past 22 years we gathered many clients that fully trust us, and who associate our product with quality and flexi­bility,” Lebouille adds. The Belgian company is also trusted by Green Park Investment Partners.

BMI Leisure automates several processes in leisure venues, ranging from online booking and marketing emails to POS and stock. Their Enter­prise Resource Planning or ERP software also provides enough flexi­bility for integra­tions with other tools. This allows leisure centers to operate more efficiently, enabling them to grow faster. And that’s where you find the success of BMI Leisure: in the success of its clients,” concludes the CEO.

The SaaS-company serves over 300 clients in 70 countries. BMI Leisure has a team of 35 employees consisting of 15 different nation­al­ities. They celebrated the rebranding with a nice business retreat.

The new booth has been inaugu­rated in London during the IAAPA Europe expo the past few days. 

About BMI Leisure

BMI Leisure is a successful and profitable scale-up and has acquired a top tier position as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution provider within the leisure industry. Our all-in-one solution has been recog­nized as best-in-class for enter­tainment centers worldwide. We help these centers to optimize their full opera­tional flow across venues, enhance the guest experience and automate their marketing efforts.

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