Explore our existing integrations, or ask a quotation if you would like a custom integration.
Payment Integrations
Cashless card systems
Fiscal integrations
Wristband integrations
From printable bracelets to digitized wristbands: we have everything you need to increase your center’s efficiency while ensuring a seamless guest experience.
Staff Login/Logout Device
Enable your staff to log in and out in a fast, seamless – and most importantly – secure way!Staff Login/Logout Device
Your staff members will be able to login to their account by simply putting their key on the device. This key is tied by a rope to your staff members' belt. In case they would leave their desk, they will have to detach the key from the device which will automatically log them out of the system, reducing the chance of potential errors and ensuring on-time registration. Starting - and ending - the work day has never been easier!
Advanced integrations
Find the industry-specific integrations you need to simplify your business operations and win your time back.