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Elev8 Fun: Scaling opera­tions at record speed with BMI Leisure

By Roberta Sabato21 Aug 2023

Elev8 Fun burst onto the FEC (Family Enter­tainment Center) scene by creatively repur­posing big-box spaces left behind by the retail apoca­lypse. This well-timed move allowed them to capitalize on the growing trend of experi­ences over goods. Their mission was to provide exciting experi­ences to millen­nials and younger gener­a­tions who increas­ingly value memorable moments over material posses­sions.

Forging a true partnership

At the helm of optimizing Elev8 Fun’s experi­ences and scaling them to a new location per year is Brian Lopez. Having previ­ously set up opera­tions for Xtreme Action Park in Ft. Lauderdale, Lopez brought valuable insights into opera­tional efficiency. However, the utilization of different systems for booking, food services, and commu­ni­cation in Xtreme Action Park created chaos. Deter­mined to streamline opera­tions, Brian made the switch to BMI Leisure, a trusted partner offering unified solutions that brought all the disparate systems together.

This decision proved to be a turning point for Elev8 Fun. The integration of BMI Leisure’s compre­hensive software solution elimi­nated commu­ni­cation gaps, improved accounting practices, stream­lined opera­tions, and reduced costs. Impressed by the results, Brian continued his partnership with BMI Leisure, recog­nizing the oppor­tunity to build Elev8 Fun’s entire opera­tional infra­structure from the ground up.

BMI is a turnkey solution for attractions. The system can handle everything from A to Z.

By Brian Lopez,Director of Operations at Elev8 Fun

Changing the game with self-serve kiosks

One of the key areas of focus for Brian Lopez and BMI Leisure was the imple­men­tation of self-serve kiosks. Recog­nizing the potential of BMI Leisure’s self-serve kiosk platform, Brian collab­o­rated closely with the BMI Leisure team to enhance and customize the kiosk workflow. The self-serve kiosk solution proved to be a game-changer, with software and hardware working seamlessly together to push the limits of automation.

Elev8 Fun achieved remarkable results with the self-serve kiosk solution. By reducing the need for staff to manage customer regis­tration and sign waivers, Elev8 Fun optimized its opera­tions. The ratio of employees to self-serve kiosks improved signif­i­cantly, now at an efficient 1:4. This not only enhanced the overall customer experience but also allowed Elev8 Fun to increase its opera­tional capacity without compro­mising quality.

Tangible benefits with BMI Leisure

Thanks to BMI Leisure, Elev8 Fun was able to scale its opera­tions at record speed. BMI Leisure provided a stable software solution that seamlessly integrated with other systems, such as Inter­card’s Cashless System. The partnership with BMI Leisure allowed Elev8 Fun to build its entire opera­tional infra­structure from the ground up, providing a compre­hensive and stream­lined experience for both staff and customers.

In addition to its software prowess, BMI Leisure’s dedication to customer service further solid­ified its value to Elev8 Fun. Brian Lopez empha­sized that BMI Leisure consis­tently delivers excellent customer service, further enhancing the partnership between the two companies. With a reliable and supportive partner like BMI Leisure, Elev8 Fun had the confi­dence and support needed to innovate and achieve its goals.

BMI Leisure’s Self Serve Kiosk solution is a great example of software and hardware working together, pushing the limits of automation.

By Brian Lopez,Director of Operations at Elev8 Fun

Looking ahead

With the successful imple­men­tation of BMI Leisure’s solutions, Elev8 Fun now stands as a prime example of a thriving FEC. The company’s focus on creating memorable experi­ences for its customers, combined with BMI Leisure’s compre­hensive software and hardware solutions, has set the stage for continued growth and success.

As Elev8 Fun expands its opera­tions, it plans to incor­porate BMI Leisure’s self-serve kiosks into every new location from day one. This commitment reflects the trust and confi­dence that Elev8 Fun places in BMI Leisure’s ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions that cater to the evolving needs of the experience-driven market.

In conclusion, the partnership between Elev8 Fun and BMI Leisure has proven to be a remarkable success story. By lever­aging BMI Leisure’s turnkey solutions, Elev8 Fun has optimized its opera­tions, enhanced the customer experience, and set new industry standards. With BMI Leisure as a trusted partner, Elev8 Fun is well-positioned to continue its upward trajectory in the FEC space, delighting customers and redefining the concept of enter­tainment.

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