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Racelandkart & BMI Leisure: a dynamic partnership for great customer experi­ences

By Jonas Embrechts08 May 2024

Tucked away close to the picturesque border triangle of the Nether­lands, Germany and Belgium is Racelandkart, a vibrant leisure center. In autumn 2023, the venue felt a breath of fresh air with Alex Chen as its brand-new owner. With activ­ities such as pit biking, karting, laser game and bumper car soccer, they attract both local visitors and inter­na­tional guests looking for adventure and fun.

A Strong Collab­o­ration

A key factor in Raceland­kart’s success is the ongoing cooper­ation with BMI Leisure, a partnership that began in 2009 guided by former owner Tom Stokmans. Alex speaks enthu­si­as­ti­cally about the support we offer them: BMI Leisure’s software is excep­tionally acces­sible and easy to use. Its stylish design and regular updates make it a reliable choice for our center.” Thanks to a quick intro­duction training in the software, Alex swiftly gained momentum as the venue’s new owner, achieving flawless perfor­mance from the beginning.

Technology Support for Growth

BMI Leisure provides essential services such as Point of Sale systems, membership management and booking management, which are specif­i­cally designed to simplify the complex­ities of day-to-day opera­tions and improve customer satis­faction. Alex highlights the customer service: BMI Leisure’s support is fantastic. Their willingness to always help where needed supports us tremen­dously in day-to-day opera­tions.“

The techno­logical support from BMI Leisure allows Racelandkart to operate more efficiently, better respond to customer needs and constantly innovate their offering. This techno­logical support is crucial in an industry where customer expec­ta­tions are high and compe­tition is fierce.

Multiple activ­ities on a single track

Racelandkart keeps things inter­esting with a variety of activ­ities on the same track. From pit biking heats to karting races and back to pit biking again, it may sound compli­cated. But the software gives the venue a lot of flexi­bility. So multiple use cases for a single resource? No problem at all! This way they can satisfy everyone without any limits.

One bill for the whole experience

At Racelandkart, every­thing is connected by BMI Leisure’s software. This means customers can enjoy various activ­ities, food, or drinks without worrying about paying separately. All expenses can be kept on a single bill, settled before leaving the activity center.

Future-oriented Growth and Innovation

The partnership between Racelandkart and BMI Leisure demon­strates how targeted techno­logical support can lead to signif­icant improve­ments in customer service and opera­tions. This partnership not only ensures a smooth experience for Racelandkart visitors, but also confirms the company’s position as a prominent player in the leisure industry. Alex looks forward to further growth and the continued innova­tions BMI Leisure has to offer, while continuing to develop Racelandkart.

Discover Racelandkart!

Want to experience the excitement of Racelandkart for yourself? Then visit them soon or take a look at their social media or website for a sneak preview.

Also inter­ested in our software? Book a free BMI Leisure demo and make your dreams come true.

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