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New client Capital Karts

By Adilet Zhumatayev25 Oct 2023

We at BMI Leisure are excited to announce our partnership with Capital Karts London, one of the most exciting karting desti­na­tions in the city. Located in the heart of the Canary Wharf business area, Capital Karts is just a stone’s throw away from the centre of London.

Capital Karts is a premium indoor karting activity with an 800-metre track situated inside the Cabot Place shopping centre. The track is fast, flowing, and perfect for drivers of all skill levels. With the ability to accom­modate up to 20 drivers at a time, Capital Karts is a great desti­nation for corporate events, team building, or simply a fun day out with friends and family.

What sets Capital Karts apart from other karting desti­na­tions is its use of next-gener­ation electric karts. These karts provide instant torque and an incredibly smooth ride, making for an unfor­get­table karting experience. Supported by BMI Leisure’s timing software and mobile marshall, Capital Karts ensures accurate lap times and real-time monitoring of driver perfor­mance, providing the ultimate karting experience for both novices and experi­enced drivers. Additionally, they have enthu­si­as­ti­cally embraced our online booking and payment function­ality, stream­lining their reser­vation process and enhancing conve­nience for their customers. They are also impressed by our full reporting feature, which provides them with valuable insights and data to optimise their business opera­tions effec­tively.

At BMI Leisure, we pride ourselves on our attention to detail and the quality of our work. Thanks to the good prepa­ration and teamwork of both the Capital Karts team and our own team members, including Nikola Kirekchiev, Roberta Sabato, and Adilet Zhumatayev, the on-site instal­lation of our software and mobile marshalling system was a resounding success. We’re proud to have played a part in bringing Capital Karts to life, and we’re excited to continue working with them to provide an unfor­get­table karting experience for all their customers.